SOUL Membership
SOUL Membership Categories
There are three types of membership:
Currently, there are no fees for membership.
Ordinary Membership
Ordinary membership is open to any legal practitioner with a current practising certificate in a State or Territory of Australia who is employed by an Australian university to provide legal advice to the university.
If you have changed employment, please email a statement as to the elapsed period between jobs; the currency of your practising certificate in a State or Territory of Australia; confirmation that you continue to provide legal advice to a University; and your new contact details.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is open to any person who is not admitted as a legal practitioner of the Supreme Court of any State or Territory and is either:
employed by a University under the direct supervision of an Ordinary Member; or
employed by a University in a quasi-legal role such as contracts management, paralegal or compliance role,
and who satisfies one or more of the following criteria:
is studying for a tertiary qualification in law or, having graduated, pursuing study in legal practice or articles of clerkship with the intention of being admitted as a legal practitioner once qualified to do so; or
holds an international qualification in law and is in the process of seeking admission as a legal practitioner of the Supreme Court of any State or Territory in Australia.
Associate Members must renew their membership annually.
Honorary Membership
You may continue your association with SOUL on ceasing to be an Ordinary Member subject to the criteria set out below. You will need to advise SOUL of the change in your employment circumstances and provide your new contact information.
Honorary Membership is open to any person who has been an Ordinary Member and either:
remains employed by a University but not in the capacity of legal advisor;
has previously held the office of President, Secretary, Treasurer or Director of SOUL (or a similar role in any predecessor body); or
has made a significant contribution to SOUL as determined by the SOUL Board regardless of whether they continue to be employed by a University,
provided that the person:
contributes to and supports the purposes of SOUL; and
is accepted by the Board of SOUL in its absolute discretion as an appropriate person to be admitted as an Honorary Member.
Honorary Members must renew their membership annually.